Lookup Item Addition in Runtime


Now you can a new option in lookup dropdown without going on other screen (via lookup datagrid and popup). See screencast below.
The working demo can be checked online and full version package in demos/appearance/dropdown.

Live: https://www.gridphp.com/demo/demos/appearance/dropdown.php

Next Actions:

Active License Subscription customers can get free upgrade using this link.

Customized List Layout for Mobile Devices

Hello All,

For small screen/mobile devices, we have further optimized responsive data-grid view.

You can also have customized way to show row data in single column on small screens. You can change it’s layout with HTML/CSS code and use placeholders e.g. {unit_price} to show field names content where you want to display.

If any column is hidden by responsive behavior (screen size detection) of data-grid OR manually set to be hidden on certain screen size, then a last column with ellipsis “…” will be displayed to show hidden details.

Next Actions:

Active License Subscription customers can get free upgrade using this link.

PS: Special thanks to our customer Robert Childers for suggestions & feedback.


September 2019 Release (version 2.6.3)

Welcome to the release of this month. In this release which we have made several new updates and fixes on last version. Highlights mentioned below. It also contains important security updates.


Multiple Columns Sorting

In case of multi sort when first time clicked the sort is asc (or descending) the next click sort to
opposite direction the third click of the column remove the sorting from that column. Your first column must have
similar records to see the change of second level sorting and onwards.

It is disabled by default, you can enable it by:

$opt["multiSort"] = true;
// ...

HTML Export

With this export option, you can use your data-grid data to be used in various other apps like Google Sheets, G-Docs, MS Word etc.
To enable it, refer export section in documentation.

Exact Match in Global Search

To do exact search in global search, you can enclose your query text in double quotes “…”.

Demo App: Simple RSS Reader

Added a basic RSS reader application which fetches RSS feed provided by user and show in data grid.

Refer demos/apps/rss-reader.php for working demo and code.

Filtered Results notification

For working demo, refer demos/search/search-template.php in your downloaded package or online demos.

Added How-To Guides to integrate in WordPress & Joomla

Refer these links for more details:

Custom Tooltip & Help hints for Columns:

With each column, you can now set custom tooltip / help text. E.g.

$col["tooltip"] = "Custom Tooltip for Company Name";

Vertical Column Headers Layout:

In dialogs of Add or Edit, you can add column headers in multi-column layout mode.

Optimized mobile menu layout

On mobile devices, it will show toolbar options on multiple lines when increased.

Debugging SQL Queries:

By enabling `debug_sql` or `debug_search` configuration, you will see SQL queries being sent to database in error message box.

In order to debug SQL queries, set:

$g->debug_sql = 1;

In order to debug Search queries, set:

$g->debug_search = 1;

You can also close error box by clicking ‘x’ and continue next debug step.

Notable Fixes & Updates:

– Additional security checks added for add/edit/delete operations.
– Fix for treegrid display in new version
– Excel mode checkbox, drodown ui fixed
– Skip global search in persistence filter search
– Override column chooser display on responsive autohide column
– Replaced rawgit -> jsdelivr links from demos
– Custom separator/delim for get_dropdown_values function
– Fixed import function in subgrid
– Mobile fix for top menu overlap
– Fixed file upload in direct add form
– Column header tooltip enabled for all
– Make responsive inner subgrid
– isnull (null) columns support added in import
– Auto scroll to top on next page
– Updated tooltip multilingual for row actions
– other 25 minor updates.

Next Actions:

Active License Subscription customers can get free upgrade using this link.



Using PHP Grid Framework in Joomla

We’ve published a new tutorial on how to integrate PHP Grid Framework with Joomla 3.9.8. It allows using all features of our Data Grid inside Joomla and with much simpler implementations. Steps required to integrate are following:

Step1: Download Free version or Buy package from  our website (if not already done) and move “lib” folder from package in your Joomla root directory, and rename “lib” folder as “phpgrid”.

Step2: Create a new file ‘demo.php‘ inside ‘phpgrid’ folder and copy paste joomla code snippet from here.

Step3: Install Joomla extension “Sourcerer (free version) By RegularLabs” from Here OR download from our Github Repository. No need to buy Pro Version.

Step4: Now after installing this extension, edit the article where you want to display grid and include the demo.php file using sourcerer php syntax:

<?php require_once JPATH_ROOT.'/phpgrid/demo.php'; ?>

Step5: A modifications which will allow PHP Grid to perform ADD and EDIT operations inside of Joomla. Edit Joomla ‘index.php‘ file in root folder and

For Joomla 4, Paste the code below immediately before this line:

// Run the application – All executable code should be triggered through this file
require_once dirname (__ FILE__). ‘/includes/app.php’;

and For Joomla 3 or before, Paste the code before this line:


This is the code to paste in index.php:

// Joomla will read the REQUEST array and the router gets confused when data grid posts data
// the data is still in the POST array so removing it this does no harm to Grid PHP
if (isset($_POST['id'])){

Result: Now Save the article and open it in browser, you will get the demo datagrid.

Next Actions: You can create more grid php files (like in step2) by copying code from package demos and include them using sourcerer syntax (step4) on your desired article of Joomla.

Let us know your feedback. If you have any questions, contact our support center.

Active License Subscription customers can get free upgrade using this link.

PS: Special thanks to Doug Lawson for his contribution in this tutorial.

Demo Application: Todo List

To show some basic features of php grid framework, we created a very simple demo of “todo list” and following features are used:

  • Bootstrap 4 + Mobile sidebar filter menu
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Custom delete event callback for soft delete
  • External Search form (date range, text, priority filters)
  • Checkbox with default edit mode
  • Export to Excel

Desktop screen:

Mobile screen:

Next actions:

Basic Authentication for PHP Grid

On some cases, we just want to password protect our page without including the hassle of heavy frameworks (like Laravel, Yii, Symfony etc) and databases. This solution works without any database and have credentials hard-coded in authentication file. You can add or modify accounts by changing php array values. Refer comments inside file for configuration options.

Download basic authentication include file here.
(save it as auth.php)

Step 1) Include “auth.php” file on page which need to be password protected. Include before any output / echo and at start of code. Adjust include path accordingly where you place the file.

Step 2) Configure user/pass by editing auth.php – e.g. ‘username’ => ‘password’. You can also set after logout url. e.g. your login page url.

Result: Now when you access protected page, you will get following login screen. Entering user/password will allow you the access.

To Logout, access same grid page with logout=1 query-string param. e.g. https://example.com/grid.php?logout=1
Feel free to change the appearance by modifying css files and hacking html code.

Download basic authentication include file here.
(save it as auth.php)

New Documentation Site

Another update for all, we just launched our new documentation section to improve usability and better understanding of our product (PHP Grid Framework). The new documentation site is categorized in content sections on left with a search box on top right. There is also a live chat / email message box on bottom right. To go to parent website use main site link on top.

The most impressive feature is ‘quick search’ which is super fast (powered by lunr-js) and fetch results from every section of documentation in no time.

Share you feedback and improvement suggestions as well.
Happy coding.

Global Search feature


We recently added global search feature in PHP Grid Framework that allows to search your term in all searchable fields of grid. It will save time and quickly filter your data.

Since v2.5+, you can enable this feature by setting:

$g = new jqgrid();
$opt["globalsearch"] = true;

Active license customers can request upgrade using this link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.

Happy Coding …

TreeGrid – Hierarchical Data Display


We’ve updated a demo that support displaying parent-child relational data in form of tree grid. It is done by simple configuration on PHP Grid Framework where you define the parent and child fields of same table. For example in following example, EmployeeId is ID field and ReportsTo is Parent Relation field that makes this tree grid. This framework already support variety of database connections e.g. SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Postgres, Mysql etc so you can have this Tree-grid in all supported databases.

Database Table:

Tree Grid Sample:

Next Actions:

Licensed customers can request free upgrade using update link.
To purchase license, you can visit this link.