Is it possible to show the grid data only on search or filter.
Thank you
Sorry if my question was not clear, I meant I need the grid data/rows to be shown after a search or filter, this will allow the user to see only the searched results/filter.
Thank you
I’m still unclear what are you trying to achieve.
If you wish to load grid with a set of predefined filter, you can follow this:
Second option, You can refer demos / search / search-onload to set preload filters.
If you mean you want to show blank grid at first and then show results only when user do some searching, then try following grid options.
$opt["datatype"] = "local"; $opt["loadComplete"] = "function(){ $('#list1').jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'json' }); }";
where list1 is your grid id.
Thank you for your reply, I already used this code to achieve the second option and the grid loaded successfully without data/rows, but the issue is that all the grid data/rows appear again after clearing the search/filter or press the refresh/reload button in the gird header.
I need the user to NOT be able to see all the grid data/rows in any circumstance, but only the searched/filtered data.
Kind regards
You can use this workaround, set $w as follow:
if ($_GET["_search"] == "false") $w = "WHERE 1=0"; else $w = "";
And in your select_command query append this $w, e.g.
$g->select_command = "SELECT * FROM invheader $w";
Explanation: Whenever search is not performed, it will append a false condition to the query that will give no result and will perform as expected in other case.