
Georges asked 3 days ago



question about Upload_Dir

for example can I changeĀ $col[“upload_dir”] = __DIR__.”/DATA

to add an extra information coming from other field

example if field ‘Customer’ = 12 then upload dir

$col[“upload_dir”] = __DIR__.”/DATA/12


I tried to create a specific field for Folder but I can’t user it

ex: $col[“upload_dir” = $data[“Folder”];


Maybe it’s not possible






1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 days ago

You can do it with on_insert OR on_update event handler where you can move the uploaded file to the desired folder.

For sample code, refer to this code: https://www.gridphp.com/demo/demos/editing/file-upload.phps

Line 153-156: event handlers
Line 180: move the file to desired folder

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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