I have discovered that the php error log is loaded with the following messages when the query for a grid returns no rows (using mssql native). A single, simple grid that returns no rows can insert this warning 32 times on a single load. If a record exists in the query result, no warnings are inserted into the log. I'm concerned about excessive log file growth.
[26-Dec-2014 11:28:09] PHP Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in C:WebsitesLocalUserSonoma-DEVlibincadodbdriversadodb-mssqlnative.inc.php on line 708
[26-Dec-2014 11:28:09] PHP Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in C:WebsitesLocalUserSonoma-DEVlibincadodbdriversadodb-mssqlnative.inc.php on line 709
Try following:
1. Download latest adodb: https://github.com/ADOdb/ADOdb/archive/master.zip
2. Extract the archive and rename the main folder to adodb
3. In phpgrid lib, go to lib/inc folder
4. Rename existing adodb folder to adodb-old, and move the downloaded adodb folder there.