You can add following css, and change caption width.
.ui-jqdialog-content .CaptionTD { width: 30%; }
I Allready tried it and it doesn't work
It's working only with a td width of 150px and i want it to be less
Please help
You can try with firebug inspect and change css.
Hello Abu
i already have tried it with firebug
I have a uge form with 3 columns and the form width is set to about 900px
Now if i put in the css 1% it will reduce the width a little bit but not less than 150px
Its working if i put 30% it will make the cell wider
Please help
Prehaps, i am unable to understand your issue.
Please explain little more along with screenshot.
Hello Abu
Here is the link to a screenshot
as you can see the input fields are to far from the cation text
I just need to make the input field closer to the caption text
Thank You
I am unable to regenerate this issue.
If you can setup for remote session it would help in fast resolution.
Email me when it is feasible, [email protected].