Hi! Im trying to use "readonly-when" on a checkbox field but cant make it works.
Im using column access example like this:
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "Metodos";
$col["name"] = "firma_metodos";
$col["width"] = "10";
$col["edittype"] = "checkbox";
$col["formatter"] = "checkbox";
$col["editable"] = true; // this column is editable
$col["editoptions"] = array("value"=>"1:0");
$col["editrules"] = array("readonly"=>true, "readonly-when"=>array("==","1"));
$cols[] = $col;
What am I doing wrong?
This is currently not supported in your version.
I'll be emailing you updated build with working demo.
$col["editrules"] = array("readonly"=>true, "readonly-when"=>"checked"); // or unchecked
Abu, I have received your mail and replaced the lib.
When I tried with "checked" nothing happends, with "unchecked" the checkbox its readonly in anycase.
There is something else to configure?