Behave like excel or googlespreadsheat for inserting data into several cells

QuestionsBehave like excel or googlespreadsheat for inserting data into several cells
Mario asked 8 years ago

How is it possible, that phpgrid behaves like a regular excelsheet, where I can paste in several values into for instance columns with one paste. Imagine I have excel or google spreadsheet and want to copy from there to paste into phpgrid-sheet….

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

This is supported in latest build.
I am emailing you build with demo code.

It works when you dblclick row to edit mode, and then paste on one field.
If clipboard contains comma sep or tab sep field (from excel or google sheet) it will be pasted in subsequent fields. answered 8 years ago

hi I thank you and will tell results. Until now I am very content with the bright possilities of the phpgrid. Sorry I mis-clicked rating here, if possible, reset rating or change rating button to correctable 🙂

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