Hi, need to change the order of the search operands, is this possible? Ideally would like "contains" at the top of the list instead of "equal".
You can edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php and search:
$this->options["search_options"]["sopt"] = array('eq','ne','lt','le',' …. );
and replace with:
$this->options["search_options"]["sopt"] = array('cn','eq','ne','lt','le',….);
(move 'cn' from last to first)
Thanks for reply. I do not have that line of code in my "jqgrid_dist.php" file. Version issue? Was purchased in 2012!
You can try setting it in your grid code:
$opt["search_options"]["sopt"] = array('cn','eq','ne','lt','le','gt','ge','bw','bn','in','ni','ew','en','nc','nu','nn');
Check for variable names as per your code.