Hello please help me,
I know, that I can access data of acutall object by $data array.
The string returned by phpgrid_error($data) looks like this:
"Array ( [idHardware] => 135 [params] => Array ( [idHardware] => [Artikelbezeichnung] => frfref"
I want to get "135" back from [idHardware], but this value is empty under $data["params"]["idHardware"]
How can I access $data[0] (int index doesn't work)
For ID of grid, You can get value by:
It is not passed in params.
Thanks for your quick response!
That is what I tried first, but $data["idHardware"] delivers an empty string when I output it trough phpgrid_error($data["idHardware"]);
Any tips why?
Perhaps, I don't understand. If the string returned by phpgrid_error($data) looks like this:
"Array ( [idHardware] => 135 [params] => Array ( [idHardware] => [Artikelbezeichnung] => frfref"
Then it is obvious that $data[idHardware] should be 135.
Can you recheck?