Column sort question (first click)

QuestionsColumn sort question (first click)
Anonymous asked 7 years ago

First of all, I want to thank you for one of the best tools available for displaying data. I have a license for the developer version and I have been using it for several years. A question…..

I have a column of text. Standard behavior is when I click on the column name, the grid is sorted by that column in ASC sequence. If I click the column name again, the grid of sorted by that column in DESC sequence. Is there a way to make the initial click on the column title DESC instead of ASC? My users want to do 1 “click” to get the column in DESC sequence. The DESC sequence is used 90% of the time when sorting on that particular column. So the first click would sort in DESC sequence, and then the standard alternating between ASC and DESC sequence would be executed.


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 years ago

You can specify with column settings:

$col[“firstsortorder”] = “desc”;

This will sort descending when you click first.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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