2 grids in drupal

Questions2 grids in drupal
Hugo Palma asked 11 years ago

I have a problem with drupal.
when I add two or more grids in a module of drupal, the result is not correct.
The first grid is display satisfactory. but the second grid is display with
the empty cells.
Im doing a consult to the same table of the database.
For example:
first grid:
1.- select id, name, age from the user
second grid:
2.- select id, name, address, cellphone

and in the second grid only display the id and name data and the others data are not

But if i add address and cellphone in the first query the fields are displaying but
when i do a update, the update doesnt work.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Make sure you reset $cols array for second grid after using it first.
Looks like variable for first grid is mixing with second.

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