2 question.

Questions2 question.
park young-mi asked 11 years ago


thank you. i am using your grid program.

buy i have problum. please support for me.

i hope your good answer for my question.

Question 1.

when i insert new data, put the add(+) button, and then

i saw the Add Record popup window.

but i want to insert new data with out Add Record popup window..

how can i do that?

Question 2.

i want to use the javascript event.

i can't find SDK about javascript event.

i want to use event after(before) add data(insert).

can i use javascript event?

please answer for me..


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


1) Only popup and inline insertion is supported now. You can also redirect to your custom insert page.
2) As out library uses opensource jqgrid, You can refer originial jqgrid docs for events list. Most of them can be used in our product.


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