Access control: Show hide Column via URL

QuestionsAccess control: Show hide Column via URL
Mario asked 9 years ago


how is it better possible to show hide a Column via URL
I got some results with the code on top of the page:

$columnhidestatus= $_GET["columnhidestatus"]; if (!isset($columnhidestatus)) $columnhidestatus= true;

And within the columns:

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "column"
$col["name"] = "column"; // grid column name, same as db field or alias from sql
$col["hidden"] = $columnhidestatus;
$cols[] = $col;

When calling it hides the column, if its not set in url, telling "hidden=true". But It does not work for more columns. Is there another more secure way for this?

This feature would allow to make accesscontroll, via URL who may edit a column who not. The editor would need to know the variablename like "columnhidestatus", if he does not know he can not edit. However this works only for 1 column…

Best regards,

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