Action Columm

QuestionsAction Columm
Montemaggiore Sebastian asked 10 years ago

Hello. I have many questions, and are about the Action Column. I have change de localization to spanish but the tag of the edit icon is still in english. How can i fix this?. Besides, how can i change the size of all the icons on the grid?.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

For quick fix, You can edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php and replace the text constants.
search for 'ui-custom-icon', you will see english text in title attribute.

The icon size work is in progress, and most likely will be there hopefully in next version. It works with bootstrap3 css.

If you want to try out, email me back at [email protected]

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 10 years ago

Thanks. The data was very useful, because i could make de changes i needed.

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