Action icons vanish on grid refresh

QuestionsAction icons vanish on grid refresh
Tim Moore asked 5 years ago

My action icons vanish when the grid refreshes. When i save a row? all my pages do this. Any troubleshooting steps?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago


Please refer this faq:

Q) Grid only show Edit/Delete option only on first row / certain rows?

The first column of grid must have unique alphanumeric data (usually a PK).
This is required for proper display as well as update & delete operations of particular row.
Later, You can also hide that column by setting $col[“hidden”] = true;

If not solved, please share grid code as well.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Tim answered 5 years ago

As you can see in the screen shot sent, it shows on all columns correctly until the grid refreshes. I will attach code. It is a bit messy.


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