add/edit error

Questionsadd/edit error
umam asked 12 years ago


i've got edd/edit error on my grid while i use it in codeigniter framework but the "select" table is fine. i've tried to debug it wit firebug but i have no idea what to do.
here is the result :
"Couldn't execute query. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '50='wanita',jurusan='',angkatan='',telepon='',tempat_lahir='jombang',tgl_lahir='' at line 1 – UPDATE anggota SET nim='123456',nama='acib',50='wanita',jurusan='',angkatan='',telepon='',tempat_lahir='jombang',tgl_lahir='16/07/2013',alamat_asal='',alamat_jbr='0',nia='',namalpg='',minat='',status='CA' WHERE nim = '123456'"

well, there is no column '50' in my sql table. where does it come from? how to fix it?


2 Answers
umam answered 12 years ago


sorry, my mistake 😀

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Glad to know it's resolved (and it was yours mistake – smile)

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