Add/edit form dialogue box gets closed when the user clicks on the browser

QuestionsAdd/edit form dialogue box gets closed when the user clicks on the browser
Senai asked 12 years ago

Hello Every one
In using the add/Edit form dialogue box to add/edit a record, the dialogue box gets closed/disappears when ever i click on out side of the dialogue box with in the browser window. How do I make it stay on top of the browser window till the user click its cancel/submit buttons?

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Hi Senai,

It's resolved in latest build, which i just emailed you.


Manish Arya answered 11 years ago


i need a dialogue box open when click on
$col["link"] = "filename.php?ID={id}";

what i ahve to do ragerding for that.

Can you please help me.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

It is supported in latest build (of licensed version). Perhaps you need to wait for latest free version build update.
After that, it's doable with …

$col["link"] = '"{name}","newwind","height=500,width=800"); void(0);';

uzoma amaeshi answered 10 years ago

I have the same issue and would need to make this work on mine as well. Whenever i'm uploading a file using the dialog box, if I click another tab or outside of the box, it disappears. Hence upload still continues and makes the upload useless. And it stores on the server and I can't use it anymore. I need to know what to do so that it's only when the user clicks the cancel or close button that add/edit box should go off.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

It's resolved in latest build of paid version.
Free version update may take some time. Follow on g+ / twitter for updates.

Michelle Mosko answered 9 years ago

I am having the same problem, however my version is 1.5.2. I sent an email to the Support yesterday and I have not yet answered. Need help.

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