Add/Edit form gets closed when the user clics out of form

QuestionsAdd/Edit form gets closed when the user clics out of form
David asked 7 years ago

When using the add/Edit form dialogue box to add/edit a record, the dialogue box gets closed/disappears when ever i click on out side of the dialogue box with in the browser window. How do I make it stay till the user clics cancel/submit button?

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

By default it does not close unless you click submit or cancel button.
You can review demo here: answered 7 years ago

Mine closes when I clic out of the form, why? what am I doing wrong?

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Email me code at [email protected] answered 7 years ago

Im not at work right now but I sent you the code
Thanks in advance!

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