Add Multiple Rows at one time

QuestionsAdd Multiple Rows at one time
Bruce Rick asked 8 years ago

Is there an easy way to add multiple rows at one time in the grid? I know it sounds funny but I have a customer that wants four rows added simultaneously from the add button. They would be empty rows, but the customer wants this ability. Any thoughts?

Bruce Rick

2 Answers
C3media answered 8 years ago

Hello Bruce,

You can do it using on_insert method with function so:

// this db table will be used for add,edit,delete
$h->table = "My table";
$e["on_insert"] = array("insert_data", null, true);

//Then call function insert_data for on_insert method.

function insert_data($data)


unset($data["params"]["col2"]); //If you donĀ“t wants save nothing in this col

$data["params"]["col3"] = 0; //If you wants 0 for this

$data["params"]["col4"] = ""; /If you wants empty for this



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