Add save button to actions panel

QuestionsAdd save button to actions panel
Gary Brett asked 10 years ago

Hi there, since finding that calculated fields cannot be stored in db I am looking at other methods to insert the field into mysql. Am I able to add the save icon to actions panel after new record is inserted, this then saves the maths field?

If not, can I have a save all button under grid, not ideal but if it works its great. I have tried the code you posted over here but it doesn't work correctly on master/detail grids or with footer rows.

I implemented it fine but it disables the footer sum and on master/detail pages hitting the save button keeps it in edit mode, removing master table fixes it..

Thank you

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I've emailed you a working demo of storing calculated fields in database in last email.
Please reopen this ticket if case is not resolved.

Gary Brett answered 10 years ago

Thank you Abu

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