Add/Update with Bit Field

QuestionsAdd/Update with Bit Field
Kristopher Baker asked 12 years ago

I have a table with three columns: int, varchar(100) and bit. I have the grid displaying values correctly and inserting rows, but the problem is with the bit field. It will display a 1 or 0 for the value correctly. When I select to edit a row the checkbox or textfield, I have tried both, will display the value. The issue is when I update, nothing happens to that field. Same thing when I add, it always puts 1 into the database, regardless is the checkbox is checked or 0 is in the textbox. I have tried editing the varchar field and it successfully updates.

Thank you.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


It seems to be a issue with bit field. I've tracked it and fixed in latest dev line.
Will be updated in upcoming version.


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