adding upload field prevents save/adding of record?

Questionsadding upload field prevents save/adding of record?
realqbok asked 8 years ago

I have an edit form of about 40 fields. All of them are working as expected now. Unfortunately, when I add an upload field, it shows up OK, but clicking "save" in edit form does not save the data (the form closes, no error message is displayed, but any changes made simply do not save); also, "new record" form is affected – clicking on "Submit" button has no effect at all (form does not close, new record is not created, no error message is displayed.)

Here's the upload field configuration:

$col["title"]="Upload Picture";
$col["formoptions"]=array("rowpos"=>"17", "colpos"=>"1");

As soon as I remove the field, both the "new" and "edit" forms start working perfectly again.

Actually, I had the upload field (as described above) work perfectly before – it seems that perhaps removing ",true" from my "$g->set_columns($cols,true);" broke the behavior? (can't use ",true" right now as I have some "select"-type lookup columns that the grid insists on saving when ",true" is added) Although I can't be sure that this is what broke the behavior, as I have also made a lot of other customizations to the form.

Please let me know if any further information is necessary to diagnose the issue – thank you in advance for your assistance!

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

By this code, it looks fine and i am unable to guess the issue.
You can email me complete code and database table structure + testing records at [email protected]
If you have online link, you can also email me details for a quick check.

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