Advanced filter : is null, in not null SQL error

QuestionsAdvanced filter : is null, in not null SQL error
biowan asked 11 years ago


With the quick filter under the header, it's no possible to filter null value. So I used the advanced filter with the button in the footer bar, but a condition with "is null" or "is not null" return an SQL error.

How to solve ?

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

I've emailed you latest build, which has this issue resolved.

Fred Spiegel answered 11 years ago

Dear Abu,

we have the same issue with the "is null" filter.
Can you please e-mail us the latest build as well?

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,
Fred Spiegel
into GmbH

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hi Fred,

Just emailed you update.


Talha answered 10 years ago

I am facing the same issue, Can you please e-mail me the latest build as well?

Thanks very much!

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Talha, I have emailed you latest build.
Please recheck.

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