
Tony Wolsey asked 5 years ago


When importing a CSV file, there seems to be trouble recognizing some field column header names. A window is shown to ensure fields headings in CSV match DB field names and offer a chance to re-map accordingly but if the names match in CSV and DB, why do we need to map the values?  Why can’t the fields map accurately?



1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Currently it checks atleast 80% similarity to map similar fields in import. To match fields we use similar_text

if ($percent > 80)
// map

Code can be modified in lib/inc/import/step2.php

If you tell me your test case data (imported headings & database fields), i will verify further. So far 80% similarity works good for most cases.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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