Audit Trail

QuestionsAudit Trail
Benjamin asked 10 years ago


I'm running the Premium versionand have questions about an additional audit trail table I'd like to write each time a record is update in the grid.

I need to log the column name, the value before … I use the on_update function … it works fine but I don't know how to get the column name and the value before.

Does someone can help ?

Thanks a lot

7 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I guess you already know, it's doable with on_insert / on_update event callbacks.
In those events handler functions, you get $data array that has key names as columns
in this way: $data["params"]["field"]

For before value, you will need to run an additional sql, that will fetch data in on_update.
e.g. select * from table where id = $data["id"]

Benjamin answered 10 years ago

Yes, I use the on_update function in which I insert a line in Audit table.
That work but I don't know how to get the column header that has changed.

I tried print_r($data) and/or phpgrid_error("blabla") but then I have an error 500 … difficult to see what is happening.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

in event handler try this …

function my_insert($data)
$str = ob_get_clean();

This would print the $data as error message so you can debug.

Benjamin answered 10 years ago

Nothing is printed … or maybe it is printed behind of <iframe> …
I tried a "brutal" solution by added an "exit;" … nothing more 🙁

I get the value before with an additional "select …" but always do not hva the column label (header) ..

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You get $data array of this format:

These comments are just to show the input param format

$data => Array
[client_id] => 2
[params] => Array
[client_id] => 2
[name] => Client 2
[gender] => male
[company] => Client 2 Company


The params key contains column name with new posted value.
You can run foreach loop to get both in event handler.

kim answered 10 years ago

i need to create an audit trail table to keep track of add and edit transactions along with user, date and time of transactions.
is there an example in the package i can review to help me get started?

thank you.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Hello Kim

Sample is not currently available. However i can help in some code snippets.

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