AutoComplete and Minimum Length

QuestionsAutoComplete and Minimum Length
DGea asked 9 years ago


I just make sure that the best way to reduce the load of data when using AutoComplete is to turn MINLENGTH.
So, not only do a search based on the begin of the word, but also can do a search in the middle of a word

However, I've tried to do it (Edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php, Change: "minLength":1, to: "minLength":3,) but do not function properly.

My Question:
1. Is the new version is not there a problem about MinLength?
2. Is the new version supports the latest JQuery?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


1) MinLength should not ease the load of query. Mysql does not perform well with contains search. It only use indexes with begins with search. (like 'abc%'). I'm afraid this issue will exist as it is database performance isssue.

2) It uses jQuery v1.11.0

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