autocomplete take much time to load list while type

Questionsautocomplete take much time to load list while type
Sameer asked 10 years ago


I have problem in autocomplete intelliscence list that take much time to load because of heavy data in database table. Please someone help me out here.
If there is any possibility to limit the character type means autocomplete starts when i type atleast 3 characters in the autocomplete textbox.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Edit lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php

Search & Change: "minLength":1,
to: "minLength":3,

Sameer answered 10 years ago

Not working. Despite i have changed the minlength its not working.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Well, i tested it and when you set minLength to 3, it will send ajax call on 3rd character typed.
Beside this, if there is slow response, you may need to optimize the sql you set in autocomplete.

Try creating index on the field on which your search.

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