Autofilter or search flter with more date range picker doesn't work

QuestionsAutofilter or search flter with more date range picker doesn't work
Massimo Gagliardi asked 5 years ago

Hi Abu

I have a grid with multiple dates with the range option active.

When I set a filter on the first date, no problem.

The same if I set, separately, a filter on the second date.

But if both data filters are set, nothing happens, it’s like I haven’t set any filters.


Thanks in advance

Massimo Gagliardi


3 Answers
Abu answered 5 years ago


I’m unable to generate this issue. See screencast:

Make sure the filter conditions are not conflicting and giving no results.

Massimo Gagliardi answered 5 years ago

I downloaded working demo code and I tried it. In my environment doesn\\\’t work. Is\\\’t possible that depends by my old version of phpgrid (version 2.1.2 build 20160725-0106) ? Tks

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