Before I purchase, can PHP Grid do the following features necessary for my client's project

QuestionsBefore I purchase, can PHP Grid do the following features necessary for my client's project
Mike asked 9 years ago

PHP Grid looks like a great grid control and I have exhaustedly searched for a grid that can do all that I need.

This is a MySQL database project sales tracker. My client wants to be able to add, edit and delete new sales/clients and alter their appearance (the cells) to show whether he has worked on them or not.

He requires the top row to be frozen while the remainder scrolls. There are quite a few columns and he wants them all on screen. He also wants it to be responsive so that if he is using it on a smaller screen device it still looks right (landscape mode).

As far as the formatting of the font, size, bold, justification and color through rich media txt editor like CKeditor or TinyMCE on a per cell or column basis, I have done that in PHP and there was a really serious problem that developed:

The problem I have found with integrating the rich text editors is that they write the HTML code to the database, which severely messes up any kind of sorting or filtering. He relies on both, so I CANNOT write the resulting HTML to the database.

How do I then format the cells/data the way he wants, but not write to the database?

Can I write a data or ini or css file that does this and saves to the client's hard drive (the thought is, read the MySQL database data and THEN read the data file and THEN format all the columns, rows and cells – is that possible with PHP Grid)?

I need to read and write from and to a MySQL Database.

I need to eventually have this permissions based so that other users can use the sales tracker but only see their own data (I believe this is part of the PHp and not the grid – but I will need a grid per user served).

I think the biggest hurdle is somehow I have to format the cells and/or text data with custom color, size and font and NOT write that to the database.

Is any of this possible?

Can PHP Grid handle this or be used in conjunction with heavy php or javascript programming to attain what my client wants?

Lastly, why can I not buy a $99 license right now? I want to buy the $99 license and then upgrade later to the enterprise $200 license (assuming I just pay the difference at that time – another $99). Is this possible?

Thank you for your help.


5 Answers
Mike answered 9 years ago

One other question – you can do conditional coloring of rows and columns currently, but can you conditionally color individual cells programmatically? Say I can create a right-click menu choice or specific button that allows for that cell to be colored, brings up a color picker and then colors that cell the picked color – is that currently possible?



Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I think phpgrid is not a solution for your case as it does not support your requirements and it may need much customization that may over-run the cost.

Mike answered 9 years ago

What part exactly is impossible, because I have some wiggle room. This seems to be the best one I have found, so if i have to work around a few items, so be it.

What cannot be done and what can be done that I listed?

Like I said, the most important thing is that the text has to be alterable, but not written to the database due to sorting problems.


Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

First to avoid any loss, we must mention that we are bounded by company policies not to sell product to music-media industry & related services. The domain you used 'world-class-multimedia' seems to be in that industry. Such transactions are instantly refunded and no agreements are made.

If this is not the case, here are the answers.

– It is not totally responsive. You can hide/show columns based on screen size using javascript.
– For storing the formatting, your table can have 1 extra html field for every field. e.g. name, name_html, desc, desc_html etc. Store html version in "*_html" field and non-html (strip_tags) version in raw field. In this way you will show the _html version on grid and when search/export is required, it can be on raw field. You can also have separate table for "*_html" fields. This is one solution that is on top of my mind. Also CKeditor is not necessary, you can integrate any slick wysiwyg editor.
– To show only user based records, you can use $_SESSION["user_id"] in WHERE clause of select_command query.
– Upgrade is possible with the difference of cost, within subscription period i.e. 3 months for premium.

Mike answered 9 years ago

While I am a programmer, I am DYING to know why you won't sell to production/recording studios or musicians.


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