Bulk-edit – deselect rows

QuestionsBulk-edit – deselect rows
Peter Broekman asked 5 years ago


After a bulk-edit the rows will still be selected, but you are not allowed to do follow-up edits (bulk or normal ones). as it says please select a record. This looks a bit odd as the records are still selected. Is there a way to have theses row deselected automatically after a bulk-edit liek is the case with a normal edit?

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

I checked online demo and it allow followed edits on same records, so unable to generate this issue:


However, if you want to remove selection, you can set:

$grid[“edit_options”][“beforeSubmit”] = “function(){ $(‘#list1’).resetSelection(); return [true,”]; }”;


(where list1 is id passed in render(‘list1’) )

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Peter Broekman answered 5 years ago

I do an extra function


so maybe it’s that. Thanks anyway


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