Bulk edit problems

QuestionsBulk edit problems
Scott asked 8 years ago

I have a grid where the primary key is a varchar field – companyName. Some of the company names contain commas in them. PHPGrid is not updating these rows properly, as it doesn't seem to be escaping the fields.

For example, when I trap the parameters in an "on_update" event handler, I see…

array (size=2)
'companyName' => string 'Beijing Millenium Vision Technologies Co., Ltd,Chicago Tech, Inc.,Core Telecom Systems, Inc.,Dedicated Networks, Inc.,Dingyi Global Tech Co., Ltd' (length=174)
'params' => &
array (size=1)
'makeOfferOnly' => string '1' (length=1)

Does anyone know how to make PHPGrid escape the parameters properly?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

It's better to introduce a numeric or alphanumeric field as first field of grid that will act as PK.
It is required as grid uses this PK data to generate other html structure of row and to identify edit/del operation of that particular row.

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