bulkedit = false interrupts hidden = true

Questionsbulkedit = false interrupts hidden = true
Peter Broekman asked 5 years ago


Just tested that

$colb[“show”][“bulkedit”] = false; should be placed before

$colb[“hidden”]=true else it will just swow up

Maybe this is not just with me and woth a check


2 Answers
Peter Broekman answered 5 years ago

hm in doing os the buldedit posisbility disappears as well… (will show up instead of hiding).

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

I’m unable to generate this case. However recommended practice is not to use both.

Either use $col[“show”][“….”] = true; // or false; where … could be list,add,edit,view,bulkedit

OR, use $col[“hidden”] = true; // or false. setting false will hide it from all: list,add,edit,bulkedit.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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