Calculated field

QuestionsCalculated field
Alec asked 12 years ago

Is is possible to create a calculated column? For example, in the database I have the phone number split into the area code (e.g. "212") and the number (e.g. "555-1212"), but in the grid I would like to display it as "212-555-1212". Is that possible, or will the grid accept a calculated column from my SQL query (SELECT CONCAT(area_code,"-",phone_number) as PHONE)?

Thank you, Alec

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Yes it will work. For update/insert case, you need to have custom on_update / on_insert event callbacks (in package demos)

Raja Selvam answered 11 years ago

I am trying to do the same above but dont know what to do.

I have street, area, City, State and Zip Code in my table. When the same is displayed in the grid in one column I want it as Street, Area, City, State, Zip.

Appreciate your help.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

You can use CONCAT function of SQL to make them as a single field, and use that field alias as grid column.


select f1,f2, concat(Street, Area, City, State, Zip) as address …


$col["name"] = "address";

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