Call function using setTimeout

QuestionsCall function using setTimeout
C3media asked 8 years ago


It´s possible execute a Function based in setTimeout Jquery?

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


Your question is unclear. Please show code/screenshot.

C3media answered 8 years ago

Abu this is my code:

function update_data($data)
// you can also use grid object to execute sql, useful in non-mysql driver

// global $grid;
// $grid->execute_query("MY-SQL");
$date1 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // This is Llegada Col
$date2 = $data["params"]["note"]; //This is Salida Col
// phpgrid_error($data);
//Convert them to timestamps.
$date1Timestamp = strtotime($date1);
$date2Timestamp = strtotime($date2);

//Calculate the difference.
$difference = ($date1Timestamp – $date2Timestamp)/60;
$diferencia= number_format($difference, 0, '.', ',');

$data["params"]["staff_note"] = $date1;

$data["params"]["due_date"] = $diferencia;

$data["params"]["shipping"] = $data["params"]["shipping"];

$data["params"]["total"] = $data["params"]["total"];

(($data["params"]["due_date"]) >= ($data["params"]["reference_no"])){
$data["params"]["updated_by"] = (($data["params"]["due_date"]) – ($data["params"]["reference_no"]));
$data["params"]["updated_by"] = 0;
//Recobro = excedió x 500

$data["params"]["attachment"] = $data["params"]["attachment"];

$data["params"]["paid"] = $data["params"]["total"];

$data["params"]["updated_at"] = $data["params"]["updated_by"] * (500);

//subtotal = Recobro
//$data["params"]["total_discount"] = $data["params"]["updated_at"];
//total = precio – descuento
//total = total + subtotal
//$data["params"]["total"] = $data["params"]["total"] + $data["params"]["total_discount"]

$data["params"]["grand_total"] = $data["params"]["updated_at"];

$data["params"]["total"] = $data["params"]["grand_total"] + $data["params"]["paid"];

$data["params"]["sale_status"] = "Completed";

$data["params"]["total_tax"] = 0;


This is executing on_update method, so I need be working on_after_insert but using setTimeOut to update each minute for example.

Thank you!

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Are you implementing something like Autosave function?
Please tell exact scenario so i can suggest better.
Screenshot would help.

C3media answered 8 years ago

Hello Abu,

Share you screenshot:


Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Currently this is not supported by grid.

If you know the row id, you can set it using
var grid = $("#list1");

where list1 is gridid, price is column name, 2000 is value to set in cell.

I think i still don't understand your question. Please explain more if not resolved.

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