call javascript in conditional statement

Questionscall javascript in conditional statement
paago asked 10 years ago

how can i call and pass value to javascript on conditional statment?


how can i call and pass value to php method on conditional statment?

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

In conditional data, you can have a <a href> tag that passes your row value to other script.
you can use column placeholder {column-name}.

Refer demos/appr/conditional-data.php

germanmary answered 10 years ago


I have scenario

if the discount percentage is entered or the amount is >0 then the discount amount has to be calculated automatically else it has to accept the amount entered in the discount amount field

how to do it

i have done for automatic calculation but how to get the dynamic value entered in the discount amount field.

function update_discount()

parseFloat(jQuery('input[name="totalamount"]:visible').val()) *

please help me

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