call parallel INSERT when inserting

Questionscall parallel INSERT when inserting
Mario asked 9 years ago


Is there a way to insert a second insert by dooing someting like:
$col["editoptions"] = $insertquery

And in head is following code, it still works, but I need to refresh the site always that it is executed:

$mysqli = new mysqli

INSERT INTO address_book (`name`)
select name from customers;

echo $mysqli->error;
if($mysqli) $mysqli->close();

Or other idea, is it possible to refresh after insert?

Thanxs and best regards,

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


I don't completely understand your question.
If you want to insert in address book on each edit row, then recommended way is on_insert event.

If you want to refresh page after each insert, you can set:

$opt["onAfterSave"] = "location.reload();";
$g->set_options($opt); answered 9 years ago

Thank you this works. Yes. this calls the sql-statement after editing.

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