Calling a DB procedure with the click of a button

QuestionsCalling a DB procedure with the click of a button
Santosh Sankhar asked 2 years ago


I implemented a subgrid and added the virtual column “Mover” that contains two buttons. Each one of this buttons should call a procedure that is stored in the database. Those database procedures work correctly already, and I also checked that the functions attached to those buttons are correctly receiving the ID (via alerts).

The code for the “Mover column” has the following default value:

$col[“default”] = “<button onclick=’moveDown({id})’ class=’btn’> <i class=’fa fa-arrow-down’></i></button>
                    <button onclick=’moveDown({id})’ class=’btn’> <i class=’fa fa-arrow-up’></i></button>”;

My question is: How can i call my database procedures inside the function, with a syntax similar to the one used inside “on_insert” events? E.G. $subgrid->execute_query(“CALL moveUp(id);”);


Thanks in advance, and I hope my question is well formulated

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


I’ve explained similar question here:

Inside the moveDown(123) JS function, you can call a bulk update function to pass the ID and operation to backend. e.g.

function moveDown(id) {

And now in server side code, you can connect an on_update event handler and use this operation label: line 141

if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "move-down")
$id = $data["params"]["data"];

// here you can code your logic to do bulk processing
$g->execute_query("CALL movedown($id)");
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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