can db column titles be displayed vertically in 1st grid column ?

Questionscan db column titles be displayed vertically in 1st grid column ?
Steven Borruso asked 6 years ago

This has probably been asked before, but can’t find it anywhere … I’d like to display the db column titles vertically as the first grid column with input cells to the right of that. Is this possible ?

I need to build a grid with about 50 db columns and some of the display titles need to be kind of long.

Alternative I guess would be to display a normal grid with the column titles horiz across the top (as usual) but flip the text so it’s vertical.




1 Answers
Steven Borruso answered 6 years ago

So after talking to my wife … who’s affectionately referred to as the “Database Queen” … I should be able to do this using multiple tables with JOIN’s to accomplish how I want to keep track of, and display things, the way I wanted.

In theory 😉

Yes I’m still a bit DB challenged.

The End

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