Can't show grid in Bootstrap V-Pills tab (laravel9)

QuestionsCan't show grid in Bootstrap V-Pills tab (laravel9)
Gert Zumtobel asked 1 year ago

Hello, I’ve been trying to display the grid in a Bootstrap4 V-Pills tab under Laravel9 for some time and it always fails.
Otherwise it can be displayed everywhere without any problems in a normal blade.
The controller transfers the data from the grid to the blade until then everything is ok, but as soon as this is supposed to be done in V-Pills-tab it is no longer rendered correctly.
Either not at all or only partially or you only see vertical stripes very different from the grid.

as soon as I {!! $phpgrid_output !!} it works outside of the V-Pills tab, which is not desirable.
What solution do I have to display this in the Bootstrap4 V-Pills tab?
The ajax approach didn’t work either: $(“#master_div”).load(“?grid_id=list1&oper=ajaxload”);

Please help me

Greetings Gert

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago


Please share your code and screenshot for better understanding of the issue.

I can prepare a demo and then send you back.

You can also email me files at [email protected]

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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