{caption:"Columns",title:"Hide/Show Columns", buttonicon :'ui-icon-note',

Questions{caption:"Columns",title:"Hide/Show Columns", buttonicon :'ui-icon-note',
Nick asked 10 years ago


This part of phpgrid has not been localized. Can this be fixed?

{caption:"Columns",title:"Hide/Show Columns", buttonicon :'ui-icon-note',

found in: jqgrid_dist.php

"showhidecolumns" => true will show the columns in the grid and no matter what language I choose, the title stays as "Columns" and the popup message shows "Show/Hide Columns"


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Thanks for identifying. Beside this, there are few more and planned to be done in upcoming version. e.g.

Hide/Show Columns
Bulk Edit
NOTE: Blank fields will be skipped

For now you can edit the core lib to meet your need.

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