Hello. I want to ask how can I do so when creating a new database entry to be without case sensitive! Because i have grid with grouping settings but in case if someone add record like ” sample ” “Sample” they aren’t grouping together.
We have update demo to make grouping case insensitive.
Refer Code line 50-56: https://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/appearance/grouping.phps
Hello. Thank you for the quick answer. I added the new code but I do not think it works. I\’ll take photos to see. Also, can this code be used only for sub grouping ? I have manufacturers and there preducts and i want to group the manufacturers and then if is there any duplicates in there products only then to be grouped (sub grouping) ? See the pictures below…
For subgrouping demo code: https://gist.github.com/gridphp/f81feac9df25ffee20238089343cd6fc
Line 42-60