change background color of column search field

Questionschange background color of column search field
Harry asked 9 years ago

Hi I would like to change the background color of the search field on top of the column when it contains a search term. When its empty it should return to transparent. How may I accomplish this?

I tried







Thank you

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


I don't understand exactly what you are trying to get … but the jquery selector will also have input at end:


if(jQuery("th.ui-state-default.ui-th-column.ui-th-ltr input").val()!="")

Harry answered 9 years ago

I tried your recommendation


if(jQuery("th.ui-state-default.ui-th-column.ui-th-ltr input").val()!="")





but it didn't work.

The aim is of the code is to check if any of the search fields on top of the grid columns has a value .
If there is a value then the background color changes for emphasis and remains changed as long as a non-null or non-zero value is there.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago
Harry answered 9 years ago

That works, thank you.

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