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QuestionsChange Boolean icon
Manolo Garrido asked 1 week ago
Is it possible to change the checkbox image in a checkbox field to an 
open or closed padlock depending on the value of the field?
3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 week ago


I have prepared a demo for you.

Few things to consider, the first column of the grid must be PK of the table to perform edit/delete operations.

For this we have positioned second the lock/unlock column and made the first column (pk) as hidden.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
PatxiRimoyo answered 1 week ago

ok, this works for when the gender value changes. But I\’m looking for something similar to: an action button to lock and unlock a row would be nice…. does it exist?

Abu answered 1 week ago

I am unable to understand.

When you lock a field, is there any database field that store which row is locked?

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