change query on the fly

Questionschange query on the fly
Glenn asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu,
I would like to change the grid's $ogrid->select_command sql on the fly.

I created a button on the toolbar that can refresh the grid, but need a way to change the sql before it is refreshed.

Thanks Glenn

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Just to give an idea,

You can pass extra param e.g. 'sql' with some value e.g. 'query1' and put IF condition on select_command statements.
jQuery('#list1').setGridParam({ postData: { sql: 'query1' } }).trigger('reloadGrid');

There is a limitation that you cannot change the # of columns and other column settings with this. As reloadGrid is ajax call, only loading data will be affected.

Glenn answered 10 years ago

Thank Abu,

How would I access that param?
What would that if statement look like?


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

it would be something like:

if ($_POST["sql"] == "query1")
$g->select_command = "…";

else if ($_POST["sql"] == "query2")
$g->select_command = "…";

Glenn answered 10 years ago

Thanks Abu,
I tried but could not seem to get it working.
I modified alternate-row with a button called ShowAll.

What did I miss?


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I just checked it, the extra param is passed in $_GET not in $_POST.
So you need to change it to:

if ($_GET["sql"] !== "ALL")
$qry = $qry . " where name like '%posts'";

Glenn answered 10 years ago

Thank Abu,
It works perfectly now.
I should have spotted that typo.

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