Change the autofilter search value dateTo from the autofilter search value dateFrom

QuestionsChange the autofilter search value dateTo from the autofilter search value dateFrom
Massimo Gagliardi asked 9 years ago

Hi ABu,
could you suggest me a solution for the question in the subject?
I have two date fields in my DB.
In the search toolbar I set the first date to first day of the current month and the 2nd to the last day.
I would that when I change the first date filter (datefrom) to another month the 2nd filter could change to the last day of the new month choosed by the first filter.
Is't possible and how?
Thanks in advance.
Massimo Gagliardi

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


Manual JS event binding would be required for that.
The autofilter inputs have id 'gs_fieldname' so in loadcomplete event, you can bind .blur() event of dateFrom to set the value of dateTo using JS code.

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