change the view of data in column

Questionschange the view of data in column
Tomasz Wozny asked 12 years ago

I've created a grid from mysql table (products), but I need to change a little a default view of the column (id). I don't need to display the ID but I have to exchange it to the name of product that is stored in the other column. And the second question is, how to handle this during adding or updating rows in the grid. I have to translate back the names to IDs (in order to save ID to the table products in database). How can I accomplish this task? Do I need to write some event handler on_data_display, on_insert etc.? If I need premium grid please let me know, I would like to it before buying.
kind regards Tomasz

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Lookup dropdown is usually best fit for such case, where you show the TEXT of it and ID is handled on background.
This feature is available in premium version.

Although, if you want to test it, i will be sending you email to try.


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