changing select_command not visible effects

Questionschanging select_command not visible effects
Erik Wetering asked 5 years ago

I have a filter combobox on my page above the grid which fills a _POST[filterId].

In the php part I read the filterId from my database and fill my select_command from the grid by using my baseSql added with my predefine filter from the database. Looks like:

$sql = $baseSql.’ where ‘.$filterStr;

$maingrid->select_command = $sql;

$rendergrid = $maingrid->render(‘mygrid’);

<?php        echo $rendergrid;     ?>  

The first time the grid is filled well. But after submit the new selected filter the sql is filled well but the grid still shows the same data.

Is the a re-render function I have to call?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

POST data need session persistence. For complete details, refer this faq:

How-Tos & FAQs

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Erik answered 5 years ago

Problem isn\\\’t Post data I think. I can add: $_SESSION[\\\”mainsql\\\”] = $sql; but that will nothing change. When I print or echo $sql the value is correct.   $sql = $baseSql.’ where ‘.$filterStr; $_SESSION[\\\”mainsql\\\”] = $sql; $maingrid->select_command = $sql; $rendergrid = $maingrid->render(‘mygrid’); <?php        echo $rendergrid;     ?>

Abu answered 5 years ago

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