Changing the default table 'clients' to 'store' or any other table for data grid display.

QuestionsChanging the default table 'clients' to 'store' or any other table for data grid display.
Vijay asked 9 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I have downloaded the latest source code of PhpGrid. It is a amazing to see the php is being created. While running through the application could find that select query always fetches from 'clients' table. I would like to try further with different tables.

Having said that, i have gone through the Docs> getting started where there is PHP code snippet to get a page with db connection and table query. I managed to change the table from 'clients' to 'store'.

// set database table for CRUD operations
$g->table = "clients"; <—— (changed to 'store').

Tried to save this php file as index.php and ran through http://localhost/phpgrid/ for the webpage to pick up the table store with data grid display. But the page loaded with error (Page cannot be displayed).

Is there any configuration that needs to be changed.

I wanted a same index.php displaying data grid pointing to any other table like store, country etc.


2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Replied via email.

Vijay answered 9 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks for your response through email.

I tried using the demos/editing/index.php. The page loads with the framework but no tables or data are visible. How to check if the mysql db and table connection works.


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