Check for unique column value

QuestionsCheck for unique column value
Bill asked 12 years ago

Is there a way to check the value in a column to make sure that no other rows have the same value in the same column?

EXAMPLE: A MySQL table has a UserCode column. Each row in the table must have a unique value for this column. If an attempt is made to enter a UserCode that already exists, then I want to show an error message.

In the UserCode column, I am using a custom edit function.

Any help would be appreciated…thanks!

P.S. — If the custom edit was PHP function, then I could easily do what I need, but it looks like the custom edits all have to be written in JavaScript.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Please refer demos/editing/server-validation.php.
It has working example how to apply unique and other business checks and show message on client.

Bill answered 12 years ago

Thanks again, Abu…this is exactly what I needed (when reviewing the demo scripts, I missed this somehow).

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