
Denis Fontaine asked 3 years ago

Hello Abu, The underline button does not appear on the editor menu bar. However, this button is in the script you provide us: { name: \’basicstyles\’, groups: [ \’basicstyles\’, \’cleanup\’ ], items: [ \’Bold\’, \’Italic\’, \’Underline\’, \’Strike\’ , \’Subscript\’, \’Superscript\’, \’-\’, \’CopyFormatting\’, \’RemoveFormat\’ ] },. What should I do to make it appear in the menu ? Thank you !

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


These buttons are most likely disabled in config.js

First Solution is to load ckeditor locally (not cdn) so you can edit config.js.

Another way is to override the config like below, You can set removeButtons to blank like following.
Ref: Line 196

var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( el, {
    removeButtons: '',
    on: {
        change: function(){ jQuery(el).val(editor.getData()); }
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Denis Fontaine answered 3 years ago

Bonsoir Abu,

Sure enough, overriding is the solution that worked for me. I now see the underline button.

Once again a thousand thanks!

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